

Glocal (global local) workshops are designed to be shaped around the mission heart and vision of your church, helping the whole church to get involved.   The more we understand your church, it’s mission vision and practice the better we can serve you. Note; these are workshops, not lectures, therefore they are interactive, highly practical and use a range of media and activities.  Each participant comes away with a workbook that functions as a resource to remind them of the material covered and point them to other recommended next steps.


Glocal is a marrying of a global and local perspective. Here are a few examples of different workshops to equip you and your church.

My Remarkable Neighbours – Explores culture, worldview and faith.

Muslims/Hindus/Buddhists, Me and God – Practical, equipping workshops on major world religions.

God’s Heart for World Mission – Genesis to Revelation, and missions here and now.

Missional Business – Using Business in missions

Sending Well – Looking after our missionaries

CSI  – for young people to gain an understanding of who are the Unreached.


Our Most Popular Workshop


My Remarkable Neighbours: Connecting with the Unfamiliar


Building bridges across different races and cultures often seems scary, yet if we really are going to “love our neighbour” we need a fresh level of mutual understanding.


The three sections each take between 40 and 60 minutes. We can work with you, putting together a program which will help your church love and relate to people of other races and cultures.”


Exploring Culture & Worldview: We look at New Zealand’s changing cultural context, then explore concepts like worldview and honour and shame.  How do forms (the outward stuff) and meanings (the interpretations) change across cultures?


Cultural Distinctions – Worldview Comparisons: We highlight some more important criteria that can help us understand how to communicate more effectively with people from different cultures; Like how we interact with time differently.  The importance of non-verbal communication in understanding what people are trying to tell you and how we view status in our cultures.


Culture and the Gospel: We look at how the gospel is lived out in different cultures. How can we build bridges in order that people from other cultures might see the Gospel as not being foreign? How can we gather people into groups we call churches that are both biblically and culturally appropriate?




workshops we offer summary