Short Term


Trek is the short-term mission’s programme of WEC NZ. We partner with individuals and churches who wish to send their people overseas, for anything up to 2 years. Our short termers go to a variety of countries and ministries. Our aim is to provide you with an opportunity to learn what’s involved in sharing Christ cross-culturally, and to explore whether God is leading you towards longer-term involvement, near or far. The Trek programme can also provide an opportunity for you to be a blessing to the people you go to serve.


We can help you with training, preparing to go and debriefing, and we will journey with you along the way. So join us now on a short term mission’s trip.

WEC Trek offers two main programs:

  1. Individual  – offers individualized placements alongside experienced WEC workers. These placement opportunities are between three weeks to twelve months in length.
  2. Team –  join a team, with an experienced team leader, assisting WEC workers in a variety of ministries around the world.

All Trekkers must have the following qualifications:

  • be at least 18 years old
  • have a growing relationship with Jesus Christ
  • have a servant heart
  • have a flexible attitude
  • have any necessary qualifications for their desired ministry

Dive Into


WEC offers exciting short-term mission programs like DIVE INTO, targeted at the younger 18 to 35 years old. It provides two to twelve-week mission opportunities. Divers from many nations come together as a global team during this time to share their varied cultures and significantly impact Kingdom work. In addition to being involved in neighbourhood ministries, DIVE INTO offers priceless opportunities for friendship and mentoring with long-term workers, assisting Divers in strengthening their faith and seeking God’s call to long-term missions.

Are you prepared to make an impact?

Now, let’s get started!


WEC Trek Testimonies


The following are some testimonies from people who have gone on our Treks;

“On the night I arrived I looked at the dirt, the dusty concrete floor of my bedroom, the lack of running water, the chickens roaming free …. and I honestly wasn’t sure I wanted to be there!  On the morning I left I looked at the smiles of the people, the missionaries I’d come to respect and admire, the waving kid and felt a sense of loss like I was leaving home! I learnt a lifetime of lessons in just three week”


“At orientation we prayed that we would see someone come to know the Lord. We did. One night he turned up unexpectedly at a home group, heard my talk on the state of the lost and the testimonies of two of the team. He experienced the worship of those who love Jesus and so this Buddhist man prayed for forgiveness of his sins and received the Lord into his life.”


The following is a comment made by a missionary in newsletter;

“One of the biggest encouragements over the Christmas period has been a Trekkers commitment to come out and teach English each week. It has been a blessing to make these different visits with someone else coming along to help and support. Now I have the opportunity to sit and discuss the bible with people in the market place.”


